Born in Córdoba, Argentina in 1987.
Graduated in Architecture from the the School of Architecture, Urbanism and Design of Cordoba’s National University, in 2012. Post-graduated in Housing and City from Escola da Cidade in 2013.
He worked in several offices:
He participated in projects by the architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha (Pritzker Prize 2006) with Pedro Mendes da Rocha, highlighting the Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo, the reconstruction of the Portuguese Language Museum and studies for the new Havana Museum, Cuba.
With Miguel Góes from MGóesAD he developed retail projects, of varying scales throughout Brazil, as well as peculiar projects, highlighting the refunctionalization of the old Cine Ipiranga designed by architect Rino Levi in downtown São Paulo.
Founding partner of Oficina Transversal between 2014 and 2016, he worked in several areas, highlighting participation in public housing contests, obtaining four international honorable mentions and in the private sector, he carried out projects in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Granada, Spain and Córdoba, Argentina.
Joined Studiomondo in early 2017, expanding his skills to the areas of design, scenography and art direction, developing projects in Argentina, Brazil and France.
Complementing Studiomondo design office in São Paulo, he founded in 2020 B_Studio, an architecture office based in Córdoba, Argentina.